The Quiet Kingdom: It Matters How You Listen (Matt 13)

The Kingdom of Heaven is easily missed. Unlike human kingdoms of force, it is advanced organically like the sowing of seeds. The seed is always effective, either in judgment or in fruit. But what makes the difference is the soil: how our hearts receive the message. The only crop that counts is the one that bears fruit. (Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23)
Peace Among the Shadows (Luke 1:78-79)

Advent is the season of light that marks the long-awaited coming of the Messiah. But how can this be reconciled with the shadow that still hangs over the earth? Luke’s description of Jesus as the “sunrise” holds the key.
Fighting for Identity in Christ (Luke 4:1-13)

The enemy loves to attack our sense of who we are. How can Christians stand strong in their identity? The answer is found by looking at how Jesus responded to the same challenge.
The Free Gift of Righteousness (Romans 3:21-28)

The book of Romans describes the gospel as the offer of a “free gift.” What exactly is this gift? Why does it matter that it is a gift? How does this gift transform us?
What’s the Point of Being a Christian?

Why be a Christian? John 3:16 says that Jesus came to give “eternal life.” But what does this mean and what is so great about it?
¿Vale la Pena Ser Cristiano?

¿Cual es la meta de ser cristiano? Juan 3:16 dice que Jesus vino para darnos “vida eterna.” ¿Pero que realmente significa vida eterna, y por qué lo queremos?
Character: How to Be a Good Person

What does it mean to be a good person? Jesus dealt with this age old question in a completely radical way. Only by being remade in his image can we be truly good.
The Saturday Experience: When All Hope Seems Lost

Life often presents moments where it seems all hope and progress have been lost and all that is left are the questions. Where was God? What is he doing? This is the Saturday experience. God wants us to cherish the questions because this is how our character and trust grow. To find peace on Saturday we must remember what he did for us on Friday and look forward to what he surely will do Sunday.